New Era -> Starting in English

1 minute read

After a long break, I have decided to resume this blog, and additionally in English. You may be wondering why, but the main reason is very clear, force me to write in english. I think it is an aspect that I still have a lot of room to improve so I have decided to go for it.

I also have taken the opportunity to upgrade the blog with a new theme. I already was using Jekyll because its simplicity but this time I also wanted to store the repo in Github. Combining these requirements I ended up in Github Pages.

GitHub Pages supports some themes that can be found here. I have chosen Minimal Mistakes, as the name implies, styling is purposely minimalistic to be enhanced and customized by you.

So here we are, you can find this blog in my Github repo Following Github naming convention, and its feature, this repo is automatically deployed in a subdomain under

And just to conclude, Github Pages gives us the option to customize the URL that it is published. Just create a file named CNAME and include your URL. If you want to Read more about the CNAME.

And that’s all for publishing a new theme in this blog.