Happy New Year 2021: Goals

1 minute read

First of all, Happy new Year 2021. “Finally, 2020 is over” this is a statement that I have heard a lot lately, I don’t ignore the COVID situation and there are a lot people suffering a lot, but personally this 2020 year was very great for me. My family is okay and a new member has come so I can not be happier.

Let’s go directly to the purpose of this post, my personal goals for 2021.

Why am I writing them?

Every new year, everybody is full of good vibes, having a lot of resolutions but once the time goes by and none have been accomplished. I am the first one in this situation, so this year I want to get things done, and the way to do it is forcing me to write them and public them. They can not be generic, they should be as much concrete as possible in order to be measured, planned and get them completed.

Personal Goals 2021

  1. Webpage: Increase frequency updates in the blog. Let’s go at least for at least once a month.
  2. AWS Security: Going for this certificate in 2021.
  3. Programming Language: Learning Python 3.x. This is future bet, I want to be prepared in case I want to do something related to Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning.
  4. Pentesterlab: Complete all badges.
  5. Side Projects: Start a side project to keep programming and learning.
  6. AWAE: This is my final goal, but definitely I won´t get it this year but I want to have it in scope to take first steps in the way.

Always keep learning!!